Game Access ‘18 1 - 2. June | Brno, Czech Republic
Game Access Week BRNO, Czech Republic
Matti Palosuo
EA tracktwenty

Matti Palosuo

Technical Director

Matti Palosuo has a history with mobile game development since the early 2000s. For the past five years, Matti has been a Technical Director at EA tracktwenty studio in Helsinki, designing and engineering highly scalable backend architecture used by the studio game releases. The first published title with this backend was SimCity BuildIt, a highly popular mobile version of the classic SimCity franchise. Before joining Electronic Arts, Matti developed highly scalable backend architecture at Digital Chocolate.

Some of the games Matti worked on
Matti at Game Access '18

SimCity BuildIt - Behind the Scenes
SimCity BuildIt is the most successful iteration of the classic city builder franchise with over 100 million players worldwide. This session will focus on how the SimCity BuildIt engineering team tackled the challenges of scalability, service availability, performance and cost efficiency. The speaker will present a high level view of the game server architecture, live service tools and share learnings from the project.