Following a PhD and over 10 years of research in urban planning and city geography, Konstantinos Dimopoulos moved on to combine his knowledge of cities with his love for game design into the field of game urbanism. Since then he has worked on the cities, settlements, mechanics, and geographies of several games including Seed, The Sinking City, Cyberganked, and Cyberpunk Cities, while lecturing, writing articles, giving talks, and working on at least one book about game cities.
The Virtual Cities We Play In: A Builder's Introduction
Following a short introduction to game urbanism, and the concept of game cities, the lecture will focus on how the combination of real world planning, city geography, level and game design can lead to the creation of immersive, believable urban environments that allow for storytelling and gameplay to flourish. Common mistakes, the basics of urban structure and functions, the aesthetics of civic life, and several spot rules on urban world building shall be discussed, alongside examples of classic game cities.